Mastering Your Cleaning Routine

Does It Matter What Time Of Day You Mow Your School's Lawn?

by Yolanda Watts

Mowing the lawn is a time-consuming task even for homeowners, so when it comes to mowing a lawn on school grounds, your maintenance keeper is likely facing hours of work every week or two. Of course, lawn mowing usually isn't the only task a school maintenance team needs to keep up with, which means groundskeepers tend to fit the task in whenever they have time. However, did you know you shouldn't just mow the lawn at any time of day? 

1. Mowing before 8:00 AM

If you think the early bird catches the worm when it comes to mowing a lawn, think again. It's common for school maintenance workers to mow the lawn before children arrive for the school day, but the early morning is actually the worst time of day for lawnmowing because of morning dew. The dew tends to form on grass during cold nights, staying there throughout the dawn hours. As such, the grass is much wetter in the early morning, which can lead to could lead to clogged mower blades. On top of that, wet grass is more likely to tear, which leaves it more open to diseases. 

2. Mowing between 8:00 and 11:00 AM

While early morning mowing is generally a bad idea, mid-morning is one of the best times for groundskeepers to preen your school lawn. By this time, the dew on the grass has likely dried out and the temperature should be at a comfortable level. Mowing the school lawn during the mid-morning hours will ensure a clean cut and give the grass time to dry before the evening.

3. Mowing between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM

Once the clock reaches midday, the optimal time to mow the lawn has passed. With the added heat in the air around this time of day, lawnmowers can easily start to burn the grass. If the maintenance team is lucky, they'll notice the problem quickly and be able to turn off the lawnmower before it does too much damage. However, if they don't spot the problem early, you'll end up with scorched grass that's costly to replant. 

4. Mowing between 4:00 and 6:00 PM

If your maintenance workers didn't get a chance to mow the lawn during the mid-morning, late afternoon is their second-best option. The dry grass blades and cool temperature make for a good cutting environment. However, this doesn't give the lawn as much time to dry before night time dew hits, increasing the risk of fungal growth.

5. Mowing after 6:00 PM

From evening time to the early hours of the following morning, dew will start setting in. If you don't want a clogged mower, torn grass, and an increased risk of moisture-loving diseases and infections, it's best to let your maintenance team head home for the day.

If your staff are too busy cleaning and preening to mow the lawn during the optimal hours of the day, don't fear. A commercial lawn service company can take care of all your mowing and preening needs at a time that's best for your school, leaving the maintenance team to get on with the rest of their tasks.

To learn more, contact a commercial lawn service.
