Mastering Your Cleaning Routine

Important Things to Note About Carpet Cleaning

by Yolanda Watts

Carpet cleaning might not be as easy as it sounds. Crucial factors need to be considered to avoid carpet damage and to get the best out of your carpet use. Here are some of these considerations.

Manufacturer Cleaning Instructions

There are, of course, different types of carpet materials; for example, fibre/fabric (cotton, nylon and polyester) and PVC. Each of these types of materials need to be cleaned in a particular manner, and they require the use of specific products (manufacturer recommended). If you fail to clean the carpet in the manufacturer's recommended way, you can end up permanently damaging your carpet, meaning you might need to replace it.

Colour Staining

Carpet stains can be hard to remove, which can lead to hazardous stain-removal ideas. Do not use harsh chemicals that automatically pop into your mind. For example, bleach; you might damage your carpet. A carpet cleaning expert should remove any stains, and they'll start with an analysis of the material on your carpet. The analysis helps identify chemicals or detergents that can remove staining and leave your carpet undamaged.

Pet Urine

Pet urine contains different chemicals that your carpet can absorb, causing quick damage and staining. If your pet happens to urinate on your carpet, quickly contact a specialist who cleans urine-stained carpets and inform him or her what happened. Do not delay making this call because the quicker the urine is cleaned, the higher the chance your carpet remains undamaged.

Additionally, you may need to have details about your carpet at your fingertips because the specialist will ask you about them. This includes things like the material and size of your carpet.

You might also be asked about your floor type and how long urine has been sitting on your carpet. Based on the answers you provide, the specialist will be able to give you quick instructions to keep your carpet from getting damaged or stained severely. Later, he or she can collect your carpet for professional cleaning.

DIY Versus Professional Carpet Cleaning

Professional carpet cleaning is usually better than DIY carpet cleaning because:

  • Professional carpet cleaners have years of experience cleaning different carpets and know what works.
  • Professional carpet cleaners are up to date with new products and new carpet cleaning equipment, meaning you get quality carpet cleaning services.

Without these skills, knowledge and experience, you might not be in a position to carry out a thorough carpet cleaning job.

To learn more about carpet cleaning, contact a carpet cleaning service today.
